A simple calculator is created using ReactJs which performs basic arithmetic operations.
Profit or Loss
An app which helps the user to find profit/loss amount with their stocks.
Palindrome Birthday
An app which tells if the user is born on a Palindrome date. If not, then the application shows the next palindrome date.
Fun with Triangles
A website that consists of quiz about Triangles, also it helps you to easily find if angles form a triangles, etc.,
Is your Birthday Lucky App
A JavaScript app which tells if your birthday is lucky or not by doing some basic operations.
Cash Register App
A JavaScript app which takes input from user and calculates the amount to be returned with minimum number of notes.
Travel Recommendation App
A basic application done using ReactJS which is classified with different continents along with ratings for each place.
Emoji Interpreter
A JavaScript app which tells if your birthday is lucky or not by doing some basic operations.
Number API Translation App
A Fun translation web app that will translate the entered numbers to spelled out text.
Travel Recommendation App
A basic application done using ReactJS which is classified with different continents along with ratings for each place.
Emoji Interpreter
A JavaScript app which tells if your birthday is lucky or not by doing some basic operations.
Number API Translation App
A Fun translation web app that will translate the entered numbers to spelled out text.
Minion Fun API Translation App
A Fun translation web app that will translate your inputs into Banana language.
How well do you know me
A CLI app built with nodeJS. Take this quiz to find out if you really know me. All you have to do is click on 'Play Game' and hit 'Run'
Are you a F.R.I.E.N.D.S fan
How much do you know about Monica, Chandler, Rachel, Ross, Phoebe and Joey? Think you are an expert on all Central Perk things? Take this Friends quiz to prove if you're a true fan.